Hekatê's Potion Cabinet

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自製極致修護保濕厚乳霜 | 杜絕乾癢 DIY Nourishing Rescue Cream

細紋、斑點、毛孔大、疤痕、鬆弛通通有解 | 我的免醫美保養祕技大公開

自製保養清潔最佳五大推薦 | My Top 5 DIY Recipes

邁入熟齡日常保養分享 | Best Skincare Routine

認識保養健康新理念 Microbiome 正常菌群 | 美白修護抗老升級

I’ve been wanting to whip up a thick nourishing cream for winter. However, I’m not a fan of rich oily cream - though nourishing, I find those type of cream seep through my scalp & hair, making my hair flat and oily. I want the protection and nourishment without the greasy burden.

I think I’ve outdone myself with 8 active ingredients in this recipe, the most I’ve attempted in my DIY skincare. I’ve used sodium alginate for its moisture traction abilities, as well as to add thickness instead of xanthan gum. Sodium alginate or algine is one of my My Top 5 Active Skincare Ingredients, which I’ve enjoyed immensely in my DIY Overnight Sleeping Mask. I’ve added caffeine to help reduce inflammation and puffiness, which is helpful for my maturing skin, especially in the colder months. Urea, allantoin, panthenol B5, vitamin E, niacinamide B3, ceramides complex are all added for their repairing, protective, anti-inflammatory and hydrating benefits combined.

With urea and sodium alginate, the cream provides a protective film. I like how the skin appears to have a smooth finish, like after applying a silicone-based primer, but with all the extra skin benefits. A little goes a long way. Since it is quite thick, I prefer using it as a facial night cream in the winter months, and also as foot and hand cream. This is the best foot cream I’ve ever used in my life. I love applying it on my feet after shower and putting on my silicone socks for 15~20 minutes. Bye bye cracked heels and no slippery wobble from excess oil. A co-worker/guinea pig uses it as a facial cream. To his surprise, as his palms do come in contact with this gem, it has also helped with his hand eczema.

To create this potion, besides mixing the heated oil and water phases in separate beakers, I’d combine the glycerin and sodium alginate into a slurry first before adding them in the cool down phase. Since urea is in form of small bead (instead of powder or liquid form), and allantoin need a little heat to dissolve, I’d add these two first in the cool down phase. Heat the oil and water phase until the ingredients are well melted. Mix the two, and add and stir in the rest of the ingredients. Mix well with a handheld blender, and add your essential oil and preservatives of choice. The cream should thicken quite quickly with a few blitz. As the cream cools, just make sure to give it a few whirl in between to make sure it is well set and combined.

Hope this cream can add a little extra protection to you towards the end (please be the end) of this crazy poisonous pandemic.

Please feel free to drop me a comment in English, Mandarin, or even French. I would love to hear from you!


油相加熱 Heated Oil Phase

  • 1000型橄欖乳化蠟 Olivem 1000 15ml | 1 tbsp 湯匙

  • 鯨蠟醇 Cetyl Alcohol 5ml | 1 tsp 茶匙

  • 硬脂酸 Stearic Acid 5ml | 1 tsp 茶匙

  • 角鯊烷 Squalane 15ml | 1 tbsp 湯匙

水相加熱 Heated Water Phase

  • 水 Water 50ml

  • 咖啡因 Caffeine 1ml | ¼ tsp 茶匙

冷卻 Cool Down Phase

  • 甘油 Glycerin 2ml | ½ tsp 茶匙

  • 海藻酸鈉 Sodium Alginate 1ml | ¼ tsp 茶匙


  • 尿素 Urea 10ml | 2 tsp 湯匙

  • 尿囊素 Allantoin 1ml | ¼ tsp 茶匙

  • 維他命B5 Panthenol 1ml | ¼ tsp 茶匙

  • 維他命E油 Vitamin E 1ml | ¼ tsp 茶匙

  • 維他命B3粉 Niacinamide 1ml | ¼ tsp 茶匙

  • 神經醯胺 Ceramides Complex 1ml | ¼ tsp 茶匙

Essential oil 精油 5~10 drops 滴

Broad Spectrum Preservatives 複方抗菌劑 1ml | ¼ tsp 茶匙



Lotion Crafter